Diagnóstico e avaliação de coleta e disposição de lodo de fossa e de tanque séptico em Cuiabá - MT
2014-02-27Registro en:
RAMOS, Lediane Léslie Campos. Diagnóstico e avaliação de coleta e disposição de lodo de fossa e de tanque séptico em Cuiabá - MT. 2014. xi, 85 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Edificações e Ambiental) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Faculdade de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Tecnologia, Cuiabá, 2014.
Gomes, Luiz Airton
Gomes, Luiz Airton
Marchetto, Margarida
Costa, Juzélia Santos da
Matsumoto, Tsunao
Due to insecurity and lack of public collector sewer in the city of Cuiabá is great
demand for the services of clean fossa companies, which becomes a problem, since the
sludge generated by septic tank systems entails significant concentrations of nutrients,
organic matter, inorganic pollutants and pathogenic organisms. The present study aims
at the diagnosis and evaluation of the final destination of the sludge pit and septic tank
in Cuiabá / MT, and proposes measures of adequacy of treatment. For this survey
interviews were held with the companies providing this service, and with the Tijucal
Sewage Treatment Station (ETE Tijucal). The station consists of preliminary treatment
(sandbox, railing and Parshall), two UASB, anaerobic pond, facultative pond followed
by two in parallel, and a maturation pond. Your current treatment capacity is 50 L / s,
but receives a daily flow of 56.23 L / s. Surveys conducted in this paper indicates that
the daily flow received may be higher than that presented by the company responsible
for the management of ETE. Besides quantifying the volume of sludge released daily
characterization was carried out by determining the following parameters: pH,
temperature, alkalinity, total Total solids, volatile solids, fixed solids, settleable solids,
oils and grease, BOD, COD, Total Phosphorus, Nitrogen Kjeldahl. According to the
results of the characterization and comparison with studies conducted in this research
identified a possible treatment system for the sludge pits and septic tanks.