Webgincana : uma estratégia didática para o ensino de ciências
2014-11-11Registro en:
PEREIRA, Mirtes Campos. Webgincana: uma estratégia didática para o ensino de ciências. 2014. 154 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências Naturais) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Física, Cuiabá, 2014.
Ozaki, Salete Kiyoka
Ozaki, Salete Kiyoka
Mansilla, Débora Eriléia Pedrotti
Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa
This study presents the Webgincana (WG) as a possible strategy available to insert the students in an effective way in the information and communication technology (TIC)/learning relationship, and amplify in a dynamic way the possibilities of their education due to the WG embraces a series of alternative didactic in its conception. The WG was developed looking for insert the students’ daily life technology as the teaching method for scientific subjects like clone (cloning), where different activities were proposed through internet links with a competitive taste. It appeared as a process of research and development where the tool was formatted as a collective product from UFMT and teachers and students from public school Adolfo Augusto de Morais (city of Rondonopolis, MT) partnership. In this case, the research methodology used was quali and quantitative, with characteristics of case study method. The theoretic-methodological-epistemological approach was supported by Demo and Gowin with Complexity Theory. Them tools utilized to collect data were questionnaires, guided studies, results analysis and participation in the WG. The WG was posted on the site: http://pt.slideshare.net/MirtesCampos/web-gincana-da-clonagem-25973936. 324 students took part on it, from August, 2013 to April, 2014. In general, the students used their mobile phones, tablets and they were used to send photos, videos and data. So, 100% of students approved the strategy, even only 17% of teachers knew it. We verified that some teachers would like to dominate new technologies in order to interact better with students and promote more dynamic and interactive classes, as the WG. Also, even in the digital era, only 44,27% from interviewed students thought that they learn more in the informatics laboratory (LI). About the subject, points like ethic and social responsibility, not only scientific, were discussed. Due to its characteristics like group working, use of technology, content enrichment and transverse topics, the WG could be considered a strategy with complex attributes, involving multidisciplinary knowledge and with the possibility of many points of view, research interpretation, learning and individual valuation with digital inclusion, if we consider that before the WG, 59,55% of students from matutinal period had only two classes on the LI in a period of two months, and 100% of students from nocturnal period never have had classes on the LI. Although the tools were not considered complexes, the WG acted as a link between contents and daily life, providing meaning to concepts, taking them out from the paper to the reality. This process is dynamic where teachers act as facilitators and students act as collaborators and builders of their own knowledge. It was noted that the WG can work as teacher’s ally as a motivation tool for the students, to start a research, providing a space for each student to develop essentials abilities and competences in their on time.