dc.creatorFreitas,Jonathan Simões
dc.creatorGonçalves,Carlos Alberto
dc.creatorCheng,Lin Chih
dc.creatorMuniz,Reynaldo Maia
dc.descriptionThe aim of this paper is to refine, from a configurational perspective, the understanding of causal conditions underlying performance differences between new academic technology-based firms. Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), a research strategy conceived to investigate parsimonious configurations that explain a given result of interest in small-N populations, was adopted as the methodological approach. The analyses were performed using a database related to 81 Brazilian academic spin-offs, pre-incubated by a governmental innovation promotion program. Based on the resultant configurations, parsimonious sets of variables for explaining the initial performance of these new ventures were obtained. Complementary findings and their respective implications are also discussed.
dc.publisherUniversidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios
dc.sourceJournal of technology management & innovation v.6 n.2 2011
dc.subjectqualitative comparative analysis
dc.subjectorganizational performance
dc.subjectacademic spin-offs
dc.subjectconfigurational perspective
dc.titleParsimonious Determinants of Pre-Incubated Academic Spin-Offs Initial Performance: a Configurational Perspective
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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