Tradução audiovisual da Libras a partir do gênero institucional de divulgação científica: o caso da série "Que curso eu faço?" do LAbI/UFSCar
2019-12-06Registro en:
Melo, Lis Maximo e
The recent production of accessible films in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) was driven
by the Brazilian Inclusion Law, 13.146 / 2015, which provided for the use of the Libras
screen-inset TV for sound and image broadcasting in all audiovisual political pieces. In
2016 the National Film Agency (ANCINE) publicized the Normative Instruction No.
128, which regulated the accessibility of all Brazilian film production. As a result, videos
from different genres have been translated into Libras. However, because the field is
extremely new and the training of these professionals is still under construction, it is not
known for sure which strategies these professionals use to deal with this translation
demand. In this sense, this paper aims to describe the translation strategies from
institutional videos of scientific dissemination genre produced by the Open Laboratory of
Interactivity for the Dissemination of Scientific and Technological Knowledge (LAbI)
conducted by two translators of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). The
research, which has a qualitative approach, has as its theoretical and methodological
foundation the Bakhtinian perspective of language studies, studies of sign language
translation and interpretation, and studies on audiovisual language. The methodological
device for describing translation strategies is the simple self-confrontation in which the
participating translators watched the video they translated and commented on the choices
and strategies as they watched themselves in activity. The data were transcribed
according to Nascimento's (2016) proposal for monomodal and intermodal transcription
and the reported strategies were described, separating in two categories: (i) the themes in
common to both translators and (ii) the individual themes reported. Common strategies
were recognized from previous study, teamwork, target audience and enunciativediscoursive resources. This research is expected to contribute directly to the training of
Libras translators to act in the socially demanded audiovisual productions today.