Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Efeito da terapia miofuncional rápida (oito sessões) em sujeitos com respiração oral
Weber, Elisiane
It is known that patients with oral breathing, usually, are attempted by various
stomatognathic system alterations like, the swallowing, the sucking, the chewing and the
speech articulation, besides the breathing. According to these alterations, was proposed a
model of fast miofunctional therapy that could involve a work that treats all the alterated
functions in these kind of patients. Then a group of five individuals was selected , both
gender, with ages between 11 years and three months and 12 years and five months, with
previous otorhinolaryngologic diagnosis of oral breathing predominancy and others
breathing problems. The exclusion rules for this study were chronic nasal obstruction,
occlusion problems like open bite, lateral open bite, cross bite and lateral cross bite, overjet
over 4 mm and neurological problems. The procedures of this research were done at
Phonoaudiologic Attendance Service of University Federal of Santa Maria. The
individuals were directed to Phonoaudiologic and orthodontic evaluation and reevaluation
and had taken some photos. The results showed that the miofunctional therapy that was
proposed was effective for the improvement of the functions that were treated in the five
individuals with oral breathing and in the orofacial structures avaluated occurred 100% of
benefit in the labial profile, tongue position, superior tonus labial, the left cheek tonus,
tongue mobility and in the labial length, 80% of improvement in the inferior tonus labial
and 60% of improvement in the right cheek tonus. In relation to the stomatognathic
functions had 100% improvement in the sucking and chewing, 80% of improvement in the
breathing and swallowing functions. As for the dental occlusion didn´t happen any change
in the structures evaluated. This result was expected because in this propose of
miofunctional therapy was only boarded the functionals and muscles standards modifications.