Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Avaliação de objetos de aprendizagem para o ensino de frações
Teixeira, Evelin Santos
It is known that the computer can be used as a support for teaching, but also as a source of learning and as a development tool skills. The computer can work with the student to learn from their mistakes and learn along with his colleagues, exchanging their products and comparing them. So, a good teaching tool serves not only to facilitate, initiate or complete the explanation of a particular subject, but also to accommodate the number and the learning needs of students. Given the above this paper presents an evaluation of the pedagogical and technical aspects (usability) of two learning objects for teaching fractions (Riddle of the fractions and Kids and Cookies). Through this work, we intend to support the work of teachers who use technology resources in teaching mathematics and methods that need to judge how an educational resource can be really meaningful to student learning.