Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Públicos em relações públicas: desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para caracterização de grupos de interesse
Kessler, Gabriela Vanessa
The theme of this monograph is the study of publics in Public Relations, with delimitation in the development of a tool for publics characterization. As a problem, we bring this gap to de area. The general objective is to develop a tool that assists in the process of characterization of publics in Public Relations. As specific objectives, we have: build a theoretical framework on the diagnosis of public in Public Relations; test a public characterization questionnaire; to analyze the potentialities and weaknesses of the characterization tool, as well as its application possibilities. The first chapter, after introduction, composes a dense theoretical framework on public studies in Public Relations, highlighting the definitions of public (STEFFEN, 2008) and the categorizations proposed by Cesca (2006, p. 23 apud CESCA, 2012, p.32- 33), França (2004, p. 104-113), Grunig (1983, p.145 apud FRANÇA, 2004, p. 54), Matrat (FRANÇA, 2004, p. 55-56) and Fortes (FRANÇA, 2004, pp. 57-58). The second chapter, after introduction, deals with the methodology used in the construction of the tool, presenting the pretest and the final test. The third, after introduction, brings the results obtained with the tool and the analysis of its potentialities and weaknesses, which we understand that although it needs prior knowledge of the interest group, the tool describes the audience from its point of view, helps planning relationship strategies and allows cross-referencing, and also has the function of evaluating the communication actions already performed.