Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
A curadoria no ciberjornalismo brasileiro: uma análise dos portais MSN, Yahoo, Estadão e do site de rede social Twitter
2016-12-12Registro en:
LIMA, J. B. A curadoria no ciberjornalismo brasileiro: uma análise dos portais MSN, Yahoo, Estadão e do site de rede social Twitter. 2016. 75 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Jornalismo) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2016.
Lima, Jocéli Bisonhim
The present work starts form the understanding that the contemporary journalism suffers significant changes with the development of the internet. Among this transformations are updates on the practices of production and content publishing, with reflexes on language and formats. In this sense, this work has as its thematic one of the prints of this changes, the curation in journalism. It is from her that we will structure our search problem, that pursuits to understand how the curation is made in brazilian’s ciberjournalism. Our main goal is to analyze the news portals and the social networks websites that incorporates the curation on their production routines. Our specifics goals pursuits to understand which conjunctures leads the curation to exist inside the journalism field, the types of curation that exist and how it can be done in the journalism. By curation, we understand the activity of select and filtrate information, re-mediating it to the public with new contexts and senses. The choice to analyze the news portals and the social network website is because they are occupying increasingly, a main role in the information sources choice of the brazilian reader’s. The empirical corpus choice contains the three websites Yahoo, MSN and Estadão and one social network that is Twitter with the “Twitter Moments” section. The choice of the news portals occurred because of the considerations in the research “Mapping of Digital Media in Brazil” that pointed this three as the most visited news portal in 2014. The choice of Twitter occurred based on a research made by GlobalWebIndex that points the most used social networks in 2016. As a theoretical-methodological contribution, we chose the Content Analysis with application in journalism. We chose five categories, applicable to the news portals and to the social network, seeking to identify how the curation occurs in each one of them. This categories helped us to realize that the curation has being putted in practice in brazilian’s ciberjournalism in different ways and that its use is gaining space inside the journalistic routine step by step.