Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Para que os olhos se demorem: os sentidos da visão na produção em dança de um corpo pandêmico
Barbosa, Fernanda Ströher
The present research is a Work of Completion of Course in Dance Bachelor and
investigates the uses of the vision in the production in dance, during the pandemic of
Covid-19. The intention was to produce a video dance that starts from the question:
how does the vision organize my movement during the quarantine? Methodologically,
it works based on the Feldenkrais technique and the Tuning Scores, to explore the
relationship between the senses, attention and movement. With the use of the camera
in detail plan, close-up and middle foreground frames, we envision a relationship with
the (in) visibility of breathing and the imagery of intimacy in the experience of isolation
and domestic space. The pandemic body and its elaboration between art and science
are considered from the dialogue with the reflections of Jeremy Stolow. The vision is
studied from the contributions of Tim Ingold, Merleau Ponty and Gibson. The
organization of a choreopolicis and a choreopolitics during the pandemic are reflected
from Lepecki. Finally, the dialogue about displacement promoted by the experience of
the pandemic body, such as microbiological cohabitation, social distance and video
technologies reconfigure the experience of intimacy and collectivity. Education of
attention and vision lead to consider specificity in the construction of singular relations
with the space of the city, the home and otherness, in the establishment of a new
common, through new flows and frontiers that place care in its double dimension of
privilege and priority in the ways of governing the bodies.