A certificação na construção contra-hegemônica do mercado de produtos Demeter: a Agricultura Biodinâmica sob a égide da legalidade
Vargas, Rayan Scariot
When Justus von Liebig sought to claim the scientific lens on the natural processes of
agriculture, he introduced a new way of thinking and doing agriculture, and through this
advent of chemical agriculture the process of fixing the nitrogen engendered in the HaberBosch process brought about substantial changes both for agricultural land and for battlefields
that undermined the first half of the 20th century in Europe. Nowadays, with food trends that
are increasingly concerned with the socio-environmental issues that permeate the production
process, we can glimpse the decay of hegemonic models of food production. Biodynamic
agriculture, a precursor of the organic movement, was introduced to the world for the first
time by the agricultural course taught by Rudolf Steiner in 1924. However, his
extemporaneous wisdom is biased towards crossing the challenges imposed by the modernity
model of progress, through agriculture committed to sustainable practices. To this end, the
present work goals to understand the certification process of Biodynamic products that carry
the Demeter seal, apprehending the perception of the agents involved with the Biodynamic
movement as well as the factors that build this market. Qualitative and quantitative data were
used, as well as research was carried out: bibliographic; bibliometric; documentary. The tools
used in the field to obtain data were semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with open
and closed questions. The sample units were biodynamic agricultural units and institutions
linked to the certification process. After obtaining the data, the information obtained was
triangulated to achieve the objectives. It was learned about the history and conjuncture of the
Biodynamic movement in Brazil, as well as the perception of the actors regarding the
certification process and the different faces of the two certification systems, the audit and the
participatory system, where limiting and positive points of each one were pointed out.
systems. The perception of these agents regarding the domestic market for Biodynamic
products and the profile of those who consume these products was also raised. Subsequently,
the impressions were compared with the quantitative data of the questionnaires that sought to
build a socioeconomic profile of consumers. These data were also compared with the survey
of food trends conducted by Brasil Food Trends 2020 and the survey conducted with
consumers of organic products from Organis Brasil. Thus, issues related to the Brazilian
market for organic products and the legitimacy surrounding the act of consumption related to
these products were explained. Finally, there was a demonstration of different views on the
existence of Steiner's principles on the Demeter label, which ended up demonstrating the
diversity of thoughts and conflicts inherent in the dispute that occurs within and outside the
Biodynamic movement. Since the Biodynamic market is not isolated, but connected with
economic interests that plague its roots.