Portunhol selvagem: uma (in)cômoda resistência poética
Alves, Gabriela Souto
From the theoretical object of this scientific reflection, which includes the discourse in and on "portunhol selvagem", the theme of this amalgamated language is developed as a possible poetic manifestation of resistance. For this, the research question covers the effects of meaning of the "selvagem" designation and the contradictions that the poetics of this portunhol produces when putting itself as resistance. The main objective is to problematize the self-asserted place of resistance, thinking about the failures and misconceptions constitutive of the discursive functioning in and on "portunhol selvagem". Specific aspects involve exploring the “portunhol selvagem” naming, as well as its subsequent designation, since this gesture involves semantic movements - the designation process - and discursive movements - identification and subjectivation. The delimitation of the analytic object occurs especially around of some statements given by the writer Douglas Diegues, they are cut out of interviews, and the author answers questions about "portunhol selvagem" in "portunhol selvagem", always in written form. Considering the indissociable link between orality, writing and literature as constituting the "portunhol selvagem", a relation of this object is made with the triad ideology-subject-discourse, and the theoretical apparatus of this thesis involves, above all, the materialist theory of discourse, especially as mobilized by Michel Pêcheux in the French Discourse Analysis. The conclusions indicate why this resistance is called (in)convenient, since, from the social, cultural, economic and historical point of view, it is convenient and comfortable for the subject of the "portunhol selvagem" at the same time that it disturbs and challenges traditionally established linguistic, poetic and literary standards.