dc.contributorFontoura, Lisandra Manzoni
dc.creatorAndrade, Guilherme Albrecht Kruel de
dc.description.abstractWith its systems and softwares, software development and IT are areas that are increasingly part of the people's daily basis lives. As the technological development of these areas have been so fast and relevant, it was necessary a creation of certifications and good practices so the quality of these systems are kept at high levels. The present work began with an analysis of the needs and difficulties that small and medium brazilian companies faces when trying to guarantee the quality of its softwares. This work's objective is to develop a tool to help these companies to guarantee software development's quality using the Quality Guarantee (GAQ), which is a reference model to the program MPS.BR (Improvement on the Process of Brazilian Software). Adding to that, we use the BPMS (Business Process Management System) to do it, because it is a system that has an easy modeling, management and processes optimization.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectQualidade de software
dc.subjectGarantia de qualidade
dc.subjectMelhoria de processo de software
dc.subjectNíveis de maturidade
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento de software
dc.subjectSoftware quality
dc.subjectQuality guarantee
dc.subjectSoftware process improvement
dc.subjectMaturity levels
dc.subjectSoftware development
dc.titleFerramenta de auxílio na garantia de qualidade de software baseado no modelo MPS.BR
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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