Estudo numérico do comportamento mecânico de paredes de alvenaria estrutural com cortes
Medeiros, Guilherme Fleith de
An unplanned chase made in structural masonry for the passage of pipes is a
common situation. These chases can compromise the cross section of the walls and
their strength capacity. The Brazilian standardization for structural masonry defines
few guidelines for chases in structural walls, while some international standards are
more complete in this respect; however there is a lot of heterogeneity in the
dimensional limits and positions allowed for the chases. It is also observed that the
mode that the chases must be considered in the evaluation of the structural safety of
the masonry is presented superficially by the standards, and little research is
presented on this subject. This work initially presents a numerical evaluation using
the finite element method of the mechanical behavior of structural masonry walls with
chases, through which it is proposed to equate the effect of these chases on the
mechanical strength of the walls. Additional criteria are defined for the resistance
reduction factor (R) calculated through the slenderness of the masonry in the
Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 16868 (2020). A macro modeling was performed with
solid elements, and the effect of the percentage of depth of chases in relation to the
thickness of the walls was evaluated, as well as the influence of the direction
(horizontal or inclined) and the location of the chases. The contribution of the flanges
is also evaluated for different height/length ratios. It was concluded that the simplified
approach of disregarding the chase thickness of the wall determine its slenderness
(λ), and consequently the strength reduction factor (R), was invalidated in the present
study, considering that the numerical models provided lower reduction coefficients for
any wall group studied. It is also suggested a maximum limit for the slenderness of
the walls equal to 33, considering the residual thickness of the masonry in the chase
region. A simplified 3D model is proposed, where the wall is simulated with one
material, and other more refined, where the mortar joints are considered. Finally, the
LDEM models are a good alternative for representing the behavior of the chased
walls and to predict the strength, and failure mechanisms within this kind of structure.