“Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta”: a contravigilância na sociedade em rede e a nova ação conectiva dos movimentos sociais do século XXI
Pessoa, João Pedro Seefeldt
In the network society, social relationships - and power relationships - are structured
in a multidirectional way, in a horizontal distribution of interactions, where networks
compete and cooperate with each other. The network State is only a node in this power
play, which, in order to maintain imperial domination, uses institutional and total control
and surveillance devices. This change of paradigm also enables the sharing of ideas
among social actors, especially social movements, strengthening networks of conter
power to refute hegemonic discourses, including through conter surveillance
mechanisms. The present research studies the counter surveillance, that is, a shift in
the direction of surveillance to transform the object of surveillance into the subject of
surveillance, problematizing in wich extent conter surveillance, as an expression of
conter power in the network society, may represent an exercise of democracy,
especially from the new social movements connective action of the 21st century. For
this, the present work is divided into three large blocks: the first one about the
intensification of surveillance techniques on individuals and populations; the second
on about the actors and processes of conter surveillance emerged essentially because
of the reconfiguration of social movements in the 21st century, especially since the
Arab Spring; and the third one about the re-signification of the theory of social
movements, from new concepts, especially with regard to surveillance and the claim
of rights. As for the methodology of approach, the dialectical method is used, because
a relational connection is made between the themes through the juxtaposition and
contraposition of concepts: from power to counter power, from surveillance to counter
surveillance, from old collective action to new connective action. Regarding the
methodology of procedure, the monographic method is eminently used, since the
object of research is studied in detail, analyzing the social surveillance from a bias of
the dominant governmental reason and also from the social movements collective
action of the 21st century. To do this, the direct and indirect documentation techniques
of research are applied. It is concluded that the new social movements collective
(connective) action of the 21st century, mobilized by information and communication
technologies, has expanded the counter surveillance against global surveillance
engineered by the imperial power networks, in such a way that, if used as a social
articulation to challenge hegemonic discourses and change dominant narratives,
expresses a counter power in the network society and represents an exercise of
democracy, from the reinvention of the public sphere in favor of alternative political
projects of a digitally connected multitude.