A utilização da escala SERVQUAL e o método QFD na avaliação da prestação de serviços de uma instituição de ensino superior
Martinelli, Marceli
Higher education institutions (IES) aim to offer their clients / academicians quality services that meet their expectations. To this end, many organizations like IES work with quality tools so that these consumer demands can be met and even surpassed. In this way, the present work aims to evaluate the quality of services provided through the improvement tools in a particular Higher Education Institution located in the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul. The work seeks to apply the SERVQUAL scale and the method Of Quality Function Deployment, or Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for obtaining and analyzing the data obtained in the library, secretariat, direction / coordination sectors through the integration of the tools. For this, the research is characterized as a qualitative / quantitative case study, applied for descriptive and exploratory purposes. With this, the work highlighted the Gaps presented in the SERVQUAL scale and that deserve attention regarding the quality identified, namely: ideal, satisfactory or unacceptable. Which served as inputs for the elaboration of the "quality house", that is, essential information subsidies for the application of the QFD methodology, concomitantly with the 4P's of services, which made it possible to identify the most important variables for the clients / Academics. Among the results obtained with the SERVQUAL Scale, it was verified that the quality of the services provided is unacceptable when evaluating, at the level of "excellence", but it becomes ideal when evaluating quality in "good", practically in all the questions. This fact demonstrates that the IES is in a favorable position, when analyzing that it needs little effort to reach the level of excellence of the variables presented in analysis. When evaluating the integration with the QFD, it was verified that the questions: Adequate clothing, busy staff, knowledge of activities, convenient hours of service and updated records were very well evaluated by the students, that is, the organization meets this demand with excellent quality. However, it emphasizes care about the issues that most prioritized as: service with quality, fast and personalized, and modern equipment. Also, on the 4P's of services, "People" was the highest weight attributed, emphasizing the importance of employees in providing services.