Um estudo sobre o ensino de História da Arte em licenciaturas em Artes Visuais do Rio Grande do Sul
Amaral, Tainan Silva do
Abstract: This dissertation discusses the teaching of art history in graduate degrees in Visual
Arts of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Such research, which is a located as qualitative
approach methodologically and exploratory, part of interviews with teachers of art history, in
higher education, to raise questions about teaching this discipline. To discuss this teaching,
the goal is to investigate, based on a theoretical framework, the diversity of art stories found
in the interviews with the subjects of research. The relevance of this work revolves around the
need for the study on the teaching of art history. Indicate the possible paths that, currently, are
chosen in the teaching of the discipline referred to above. The research, in the field of
education and art, it is understood as an exploration of the training in art history of art
educators and the historic crossings that influence this educational procress. It can be
concluded that the reports of the teachers interviewed, throughout the text, reflect some
features of the discipline of art history, that in the training of educators. Are these, the
frequent presence of authors such as Ernst Gombrich and Giulio Argan in basic
bibliographies, the use of didatic-methodological procedures such as lectures and dialogued,
seminars, preparation of lesson plans and visits to museums and galeries and, still,
identification on the part of teachers with Cultural Studies and Visual Culture, in addition to
philophical trends and social-cutting theories and critical theory, particularly pos-structuralist
and post-colonialists. It was, finally, that the teachers understand the discipline of art history
as instrumental in basic training of art educators.