Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Desenvolvimento de painéis interativos no Power Bi para acompanhamento e controle de obras de construção civil
Bairros, William Parnov
The idea of carrying out this work arose from the perception that new technologies and software take time to be used by the construction sector. And, as the sector generates a large amount of data (materials purchased and used on site, services performed, service teams present on site, among others) during the execution of each project, which is often collected on site and stored in a incorrect, preventing its use as a source of queries and applications in future projects. It was decided to develop a model of files in Excel in which this data can be collected, and then treated and presented in the form of interactive panels in the Power Bi software, from Microsoft. For this, standard files that are used by a construction company in the city of Santa Maria/RS were taken as a basis for the definition of data collection, where data referring to the day to day of the work were collected. Subsequently, the files were reorganized and treated for use in Power Bi, thus allowing the creation of dashboards. In addition, the data used for the development and monitoring of the panels were collected on site, in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the software for monitoring and controlling works in the civil construction sector.