Elementos [re]construtivos do círculo da paz em contexto escolar
Oliveira, Fátima Aparecida Militz de
This dissertation is part of the Master's Degree in Public Policies and Educational
Management, research line 2 - Pedagogical Management and Educational Contexts,
Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM-RS). Throughout the professional trajectory,
I developed my activities in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary way, integrating
health, education and assistance of the student and their families. It is presented as a
research question: Is it possible to resign the Circle of Peace from the personal and
professional trajectory, in the different educational contexts? Consistent with this
problematization, it seeks to elucidate it through the general objective of ‘remeaning
the Circle of Peacebuilding from the knowledge and actions of interventions in the
different educational contexts’ and as specific objectives: to promote the construction
and reconstruction of links in the circles of peace; to provide activities that develop self,
hetero and interknowledge in an experience, promoting sensitivity, harmony and
learning of human values; These objectives guide the work developed in Peace
building Circles to propose new possibilities for resignification in the school context,
from where school-family integration demands and converges. The theoretical support
that supports the argument is Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory of Human
Development (1992,1995,1999). The methodological contribution stems from the
autobiographical narrative, from Marinas (2004,2007,2014) Abrahão (2014) and
Marquezan (2015), in which the researcher gives new meanings to the lived as
mediator in Circles of Peace Building, putting in evidence the interaction in a context
of approach between school and family. Circularity thinking, proposed by Morin (2011),
allowed the punctuation of reconstitutive elements of the Peace Building Circle as a
materiality of the investigative process and of this master's thesis. The Reframed
Peacebuilding Circle rescues the "attentive look and sensitive listening" of being in
various dimensions and points to a new learning, how to deal with emotions and
rebuilding bonds as possible paths to the balance of being.