dc.contributorPippi, Luis Guilherme Aita
dc.contributorWeiss, Raquel
dc.contributorNummer, Andrea Valli
dc.contributorSchenk, Luciana Bongiovanni Martins
dc.creatorKlebers, Luan da Silva
dc.description.abstractThis work aims at the planning of a greenway system as a strategy for urban and natural connectivity, increasing the resilience of cities and acting as a guide for expansion to areas with a high level of preservation. Currently, landscape fragmentation and destruction are one of the biggest problems for landscape planners and managers, being direct consequences of urban sprawl. The natural scenario is disconnected and discontinuous, since culturally cities tend to have larger portions of soil waterproofing than for natural areas (use and recreation or preservation and conservation) forming vast urban areas with a high population rate and without planning, with occupations in assigned areas and even risk areas, which compromises the natural system as a whole. Thus, the research aims to determine areas of potential for a greenway system in the municipality of Santa Maria, a regional hub of the State of Rio Grande do Sul through a multi-criteria approach, with the help of the Analytical Hierarchy Process methodology, working with integrated variables in order to geoprocessing tools for the spatialization of these mappings. It was observed through the results obtained that the municipality has a high potential for a system of greenway, since despite being fragmented, they still have large stocks of vegetation and natural areas within the urban perimeter, being extremely positive for expansion planning the city and free spaces for leisure and recreation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherArquitetura e Urbanismo
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Paisagismo
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectPlanejamento da paisagem
dc.subjectAnálise de decisão multicritério
dc.subjectEcologia da paisagem
dc.subjectLandscape planning
dc.subjectMulticriteria decision analysis
dc.subjectLandscape ecology
dc.titleO planejamento de um sistema de corredores verdes em Santa Maria/ RS – uma abordagem metodológica a partir da perspectiva de métricas espaciais da paisagem

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