Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Pandemia: a construção do audiovisual mobile através de um curta-metragem em tempos de Covid-19
Nunes, Felipe Lopes
This project aims to build the production of an audiovisual product, in short film format, using only smartphones, including all the image and audio capture parts. The materialization of this work consists, firstly, in a bibliographical research and in the construction of the theoretical framework, based on works with content referring to the main themes, such as "The audiovisual and its importance", "The smartphone and its importance" and "The union of cell phone to video and its consequences” using as a basis authors such as Bernardet (1994), Cunha (2010) and Lemos (2007). Starting from the concepts of the audiovisual mobile theme, based on the 3 phases of production, the practical part of the project includes the experimentation of the methodological procedures that involve the audiovisual production and its stages, using a strong theoretical basis with the concepts described by author Rodrigues (2007), in his book “O Cinema ea Produção”. The work also intends to contribute to the audiovisual field, through alternative ways to traditional production, using simpler and more accessible equipment, and adapting to the challenges caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus (SARS -CoV-2).