A inclusão de estudantes autistas no ensino remoto: uma proposta de ensino de conceitos relativos a ângulos
Pegoraro, Viviane
The goal of this work is to contribute with the process of teaching-learning of the angle
concept. We present a didatic proposal designed for classroom teaching and rethought
for distance learning, due to the suspension of classes in the period of the COVID-19
pandemic. The work was done by means of the case study of three students with
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), enrolled in the 9th grade of elementary school
regular of the municipal public network of an inner city in the Rio Grande do Sul. We
hope to contribute to thediscussion of Inclusive Education, attentive to the current
legislation, andperformed a bibliographic search, based in contemporary writing of
researchers from the area of health and education. In this work we share experiences,
reports and suggestions os activities, observing the guidelines of the Common National
Curriculum Base (BNCC) and municipal curriculum references. So the didatic proposal
was elaborated using the concept of angle, presentin relationships between
meansures os angles on competing straights and angles in a circle, with the use of
different processes and mathematical tools, inclusive the technological, like the Google
Classroom, Google Meet and the Software GeoGebra. We believe that the proposal
implemented can contribute with teaching practice, with reflections on the challenges
of education and inclusion and help find ways to ensure to realize the objectives of
teaching, either in person or remote mode.