| Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise eletromagnética e térmica de transformadores de distribuição utilizando simulações computacionais e ensaios laboratoriais
Dutra, Alexander do Canto
A distribution transformer is able to operate when it attends to the electrical and mechanical requirements that norm ABNT NBR 5440 imposes. In this way, two transformer models, with the same tank volume but with geometrical differences are studied and compared under normative conditions. To study the consequences of the physical differences and to verify whether the prototypes are in accordance with the normative, thermal and electromagnetic simulations, and prototype tests are made. After this, the results can be compared. Thus, the objective of this work is to simulate and test two transformer prototypes, one having a radiator
and the other not having it. After the simulations and tests, comparisons and norm accordance can be verified for the two designed models.