Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Vinocorp produção de ácido tartárico e antocianina a partir da borra da vinificação
2019-12-06Registro en:
BARSÉ, A.; OMIZZOLO, B. C.; ARBUSTI, D.; SILVA, L. C. da; TELLES, W. Vinocorp produção de ácido tartárico e antocianina a partir da borra da vinificação. 2019. 228 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Química)-Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2019.
Barsé, Amanda
Omizzolo, Bruna Cristina
Arbusti, Dênia
Silva, Luiza Callage da
Telles, Whilliam
This project aimed to perform a technical and economic viability analysis of implanting an anthocyanin (99% purity) and tartaric acid (99% purity) production industry, using as raw material the wine lees generated from wineries of Serra Gaúcha. The project is designed to process 17,000 tonnes/year of lees, making the maximum production of anthocyanin and tartaric acid, respectively, 110 and 622 tonnes /year. The company's annual revenues should remain around R$ 33.964.509,49 after the fifth year, entailing de R$7.428.113,25 of taxes. The installation of the industrial unit will be in the county of Bento Gonçalves and, in full production, will generate 27 direct jobs and 15 indirect employees. The industry will have 11.741 m2 of land and a built area of de 943,16 m2. The investment for the implementation of the industrial unit will be R$11.950.858,31, which will be amortized over 5 years. The market price for anthocyanin will be R$ 152,27/kg and for tartaric acid R$ 33,12/kg. Thereby, the project will start to return after 2 years, 7 months and 6 days. Therefore, through the analysis performed, it was concluded that the project is economically viable and can be implemented.