A influência do espaço social na sobrecarga de mulheres cuidadoras de crianças com cuidados contínuos e complexos
Buboltz, Fernanda Luisa
Care for children with continuous and complex care requires significant changes in the
dynamics of families. This condition ends up generating an overload on the main caregiver,
who usually focuses on the figure of the woman. This study aimed to analyze the influence of
social space on the overload of women caregivers of children with continuous and complex
care. Specific objectives: characterize the overload, the health profile and the
sociodemographic profile of women caregivers of children with continuous and complex care;
characterize the clinical profile of children with continuous and complex care; to grasp and
interpret the influence of social space on the overload of women caregivers of children with
continuous and complex care. The philosophical theoretical reference, conducting the study,
consisted of the references of Bourdieu. Mixed method research, sequential explanatory type
with women caregivers of children with continuous and complex care. The study scenario - in
the quantitative phase - consisted of the pediatric units of the University Hospital of Santa
Maria, the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional of Santa Maria / RS; in the
qualitative phase, the scenario consisted of the domiciles of women caregivers of these
children who participated in the quantitative phase. The data collection was performed
through a scale, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the health of the female caregiver and
a clinical profile of the child in the quantitative phase. In the qualitative phase, semi-
structured interviews were carried out from August 2017 to February 2018. Quantitative data
analysis was performed using the "R" program, using descriptive and analytical statistics. The
qualitative data were analyzed from the assumptions of Pechetiana discourse analysis. Ethical
aspects were respected in accordance with Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health
Council. The results of the study indicated that 50.6% (N = 42) of women caregivers of
children with continuous and complex care presented an average overload to moderate. There
was a significant difference between the overload scores of women who care for children with
developmental demands. Moreover, the overload of women carers of these children is
strongly influenced by the Social Space, in a polarized way, by the social, cultural and
economic capitals. In this space, the woman, from her habitus, fights for her rights and her
child according to the offer or not of these capitals. These women are victims of symbolic
violence, which presents itself in a variety of ways in Social Space such as male domination,
the myth of maternal love, prejudice and stigma that permeate the daily life of the child with
continuous and complex care. It is recommended that health professionals, in a
multiprofessional way, develop therapeutic plans for these women, considering that they are
inserted in a Social Space that influences all their actions and interferes in their health and that
of the child with continuous and complex care.