Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
O impacto do investimento público em infraestrutura nas decisões de investimento privado
Waldow, Isaque
This paper presents an analysis regarding the relationship between public investment in
infrastructure and private sector investment decisions, presenting the Brazilian history in the
20th century. Initially, some investment theories are presented, namely: neoclassical theory,
Keynesian theory and aspects of investment theories in developing countries. In a second
moment, the history of investment in infrastructure carried out in Brazil is presented, showing
the effects that emerged from the 20th century onwards. After reviewing the theories and
presenting the Brazilian history, aspects related to the organization of the infrastructure sector
are dealt with. Furthermore, the relationship between public investments in infrastructure and
private sector investment decisions is explained. Finally, an econometric test is used to verify
whether public investment in infrastructure is a substitute for or complementary to private