Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão: inclusão no ensino superior frente ao público-alvo da educação especial
Pereira, Paula Lidiane Cezar
The objective of this work was to know the scientific production in the area of pedagogical management in an institution of Higher Education, referring to the management theme, in an attempt to identify pedagogical strategies that are being carried out for the target audience of special education. It is a qualitative study of the bibliographic type. Based on the content analysis by the technique of thematic categories (Bardin, 2010), it was found that in the institutional documents, as well as in the selected scientific works, data were found to ensure the inclusion of the target audience of Special Education in Higher Education. The presence of these data, however, does not confer the full participation of these people in the learning spaces, considering that, for learning, pedagogical strategies need to be developed and implemented continuously. In conclusion, the guarantee of educational inclusion in university spaces depends to a great extent on the management processes.