Aspectos fonológicos e auditivos em diferentes abordagens terapêuticas: ensaio clínico randomizado
Simoni, Simone Nicolini de
The objective of this research was to analyze and compare phonological aspects such as phonetic inventory, phonological system, severity of the speech sound disorders, altered distinctive traits and phonological processes, as well as phonological and phonoarticulatory awareness, besides the auditory aspects of the abilities and variables present in Long Auditory Evoked Potential Long. Comparisons of the phonological and auditory aspects were performed before and after the intensive period of treatment in children with speech sound disorders. Twenty-five therapy sessions were assigned. The children were randomly drawn among three groups. Group 1 - Placebo: This group received no specific treatment for speech deviations, only used the computer resource to play on a website. The Group 2-Cycles Traditional: the therapy used the Modified Cycles Model. And the Group 3-SIFALA ("Speech Intervention Software"): the therapy used the proposal of the Strata Model based on Stimulability and Segment Complexity that was developed in software format. The categorization of these groups obeys the methodological questions of a randomized clinical trial. The evaluation of the children and the treatment of one of the SIFALA group were carried out by the responsible researcher. The other two groups were treated by fellowship academics of the Speech Language Pathology program. The reassessment of all procedures was performed by speech language pathologists with experience in speech and hearing areas who did not have knowledge about the variables of the research, so it was categorized as a single-blind trial. After the treatment period, the data were compared by means of the statistical analysis that used as a criterion to estimate the effects in each therapy group using the linear regression model with mixed effects for the quantitative variables responses. Also was used the polytomic logistic model for ordinal qualitative variables. In addition, Chi-Square and Wilcoxon tests were used for analysis of the abilities and variables of Long Auditory Evoked Potential. A significance level of 0.05 was set for all tests. Most of the children treated presented gains in the phonological and auditory variables. The therapeutic models used fulfilled the objective of reorganization of the phonological system, being possible to point out as innovative and differentiated the model using software-SIFALA. Key Words: Children. Language. Speech Sound Disorders. Auditory Perception. Rehabilitation of Speech Sound Disorders.