dc.contributorBisogno, Fábio Ecke
dc.creatorCanabarro, Gabriel Serafini
dc.description.abstractThis work presents a time domain study of the self-oscillating resonant converter, using state space representation to find the solutions of the initial conditions. After reviewing the literature, which aimed to evaluate the context of artificial lighting and resonant conversion, the development of the equation of the state space model, which consists in the use of differential equations to describe the behavior of a system, is presented. equations are written in matrix form, facilitating their application in mathematical programs. The use of the resonant converter with self-oscillating command circuit is defined, due to its wide use in drivers for lighting, simplicity of construction, low cost and robustness. The design of the converter is performed using the methodology traditionally presented in the literature, then the state space representation is used in a mathematical algorithm to find the solutions of the initial conditions of currents and voltages of the circuit. The obtained results will be compared with simulations and tests in a developed prototype. At the end of the work an analysis of the influence on the operation of the converter of non-idealities of the circuit will be performed, such as the gate-source capacitance of the switching devices.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectConversor ressonante
dc.subjectCircuito de comando auto-oscilante
dc.subjectEspaço de estados
dc.subjectDiodos emissores de luz
dc.subjectResonant converter
dc.subjectSelf-oscillating command circuit
dc.subjectLight emitting diodes
dc.titleAbordagem no domínio do tempo de um conversor ressonante auto-oscilante
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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