Interação e relações sociais em artigos audiovisuais de pesquisa como um gênero multimodal na perspectiva da Análise Crítica de Gênero
Silva, Thales Cardoso da
According to Fairclough (2003, p. 77), new communication technologies, especially
electronic information technologies have significantly increased the possibilities of communication and
human interaction. So, the internet and the emergence of new communication technologies can have
an influence on discursive genres, leading them to accompany social and technological possibilities,
changing and evolving, what can also affect the academic context. In 2006, a journal based on the
digital context was founded: JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), adding to scientific
publications new semiotic possibilities: the audio and the video. Thus, the main objective of the
present study is to verify how articles published on JoVE are configured interpersonally (HALLIDAY,
1994, 2004, 2014; KRESS, van LEEUWEN, 2006), from the perspective of the Critical Genre Analysis
(MOTTA-ROTH, 2006, 2008; MOTTA-ROTH; HEBERLE, 2015), adopting procedures and analytical
categories that recognize the multimodal nature of the genre. The corpus of the present study
comprehends a total of 10 audiovisual research articles published on JoVE. The criteria for selecting
the corpus were recency, access and research area: Biology and Medicine. For the analysis of the
verbal semiotic component, firstly, the corpus was transcribed. Then, each text had its clauses
identified and parceled, in terms of independent and dependent clauses. After that, each clause was
classified in terms of mood and speech function. The first step of the analysis of the visual semiotic
component was the transcription of the corpus, from moving images to static images, considering the
segmentation of the videos in shots (IEDEMA, 2001). Following that, each shot was classified in terms
of the systems that realize visual interactive meanings: contact, power, social distance and attitude.
Alongside, an analysis of the publication context was guided, based on official documents published
on the journal. Verbally, an instructional nature was mapped, by means of three different resources to
demanding activities: imperative clauses, interpersonal metaphors and modulation (SILVA, 2015).
Visually, it was possible to map that the visual semiotic component tends to present different
functions: creating proximity, locating research procedures in terms of space-time and presenting
results of the research. Based on the distribution of predominance, it was possible to propose that
audiovisual research articles have the following organization: Rationale, Protocols, Representative
Results and Final Considerations. The visual-dynamic and verbal-oral semiotic resources exercise
equally relevant roles in the realization of the purpose of the genre, having distinct functions and
restrictions duo to their nature and what can be more easily conveyed in the capabilities of the
semiotic resource. We consider that audiovisual research articles have a great potential to the area of
English for Academic Purposes.