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Equações do segundo grau e seus gráficos uma proposta com uso do Winplot
Dal Ri, Mariana Lopes
This article tells about one experience of investigation, allied to the utilization of software Winplot to study of quadratic equations through elaboration and observa-tion of their graphics and analysis of their coefficients in different equations. The ac-tivities were conducted in an eighth grade from a high school located in Alegrete, during the classes of Mathematics. The main objective of this research is to explore the inductive idea of function and to analyze the graphic representation of quadratic equations and their main characteristics. The methodology used for the realization of this research was the mathematical investigation, requiring from the students active participation in classroom, elaborating hypothesis and conjectures in the presenta-tion and argumentation of their results. It was possible to conclude that Winplot is an ally for the introduction and the study of the quadratic function, als an instrument which contributes for a more dynamic and interactive class.