Jornada Acadêmica Integrada da UFSM – registro histórico documental
Pilla, Arion Helder
This research project aims to recover and spread the memory of the Integrated Academic Journey (JAI) of the Federal University of Santa Maria, event that happens since 1984 in the city of Santa Maria/RS, where is located this sixty years old Institution, first University based in a city in the interior of a Brazilian state, founded in 1960. Due to the relevance to the academics from UFSM, for its researchers and externals, to remember this event that occurs for more than three decades, it is intended to consider the precepts of the archivistic theory to search for information recovery, its reunion and organization for then to perform a spread of the documental collection in physical and digital support and diversified material from each edition. With that, it has the purpose to maintain the memory of the JAI through the registries still today possible to be found. It is intended, with that, to analyze and present part of the available collection, by adding to it excerpts from testimonials to be captured with people involved in the organization of this event along the time aiming to contribute for the complementation of the documentation already existent in the Institution. Finally, in order to promote the diffusion of these registries a book about the JAI and its trajectory will be elaborated with the aim to give visibility to different interested public, turning it then a source for future research.