dc.contributorMohamad, Gihad
dc.creatorSkwarek, Gabriel Marconato
dc.description.abstractBrazil has been facing the problem of housing deficit due to different causes for many years, which requires efforts from the government and society to combat this problem. In the early years of the 21st century, part of the technical staff of the engineering and construction industry in our country turned their attention to the concrete wall system molded on site. The system, which had already been implemented in different countries around the world, aimed to increase productivity at the construction site through a process of industrialization of civil construction, making it necessary to standardize technical procedures throughout the country. Thus, was published in 2012, ABNT NBR 16055: Concrete wall molded on site for the construction of buildings - Requirements and procedures. This study aims to focus on the basic requirements for the design of a concrete wall project in a few steps, considered by the author and his references as essential for the correct modulation of the project, important for a standardization between builders and industry. The applied methodology is based on the presentation of the present requirements of the aforementioned standard, in order to formulate future architectural plans are drawn up and elements separately dimensioned as a presentation of results.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectSistema em parede de concreto moldada
dc.subjectOtimização de processos
dc.subjectPadronização de processos
dc.subjectMolded concrete wall system
dc.subjectProcess optimization
dc.subjectProcess standardization
dc.titleAvaliação da ABNT NBR 16055:2012 para concepção inicial de um projeto de parede de concreto
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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