Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Uma análise sobre o ensino religioso nas turmas do magistério pós médio do Instituto Estadual de Educação Prof. Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha
Ferreira, Cleusa Eli Lopes
The Brazilian Federal ConstitutionestablishesReligiousEducation as a compulsoryschoolsubject inthe Basic Education curriculum. Followingnationalguidelines, ReligiousEducation in PublicSchools must have a supra confessional andinterreligiouscharacter, prohibitinganyformofindoctrinationandproselytism, seekingtopropagatetheideaof religiousdiversity. Despitethelegislationinstituting a modelbasedonsecularism, cultural factorscontributetothedifficultyofcertainreligionsacceptingthe new teachingmodel, makingthepublicschoolspace still used as a fieldofreligiousindoctrination, contributinglittletotheeliminationofprejudicereligious. Facedwiththisproblem, thepresentworkaimstoverifyhowthepreparationofteachers for thisscenarioisbeing. The researchaimedtoverifyifthecontentsdeveloped in the ER classes in the post-secondaryteaching classes oftheStateInstituteofEducation Prof. Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha de Santana do Livramento / RS are in accordancewiththe RS Theoretical Framework of RS andwith BNCC. The studycanbeclassified as a bibliographicresearch, however, it canalsobeunderstood as a case study, as it iscarried out from a joint analysiswiththe professor ofthe discipline ofReligiousEducationofthestudiedgroups. At theendofthestudy, it isconcludedthat, althoughReligiousEducation in theearlyyearsofElementaryEducationhassupport in BNCC and in the Gaúcho Curriculum Reference, there are manyweaknesses in its real implementation in thecontextofschools, such as thespecificcontentsoftheTeachingareaReligiousandlackofteacher training.