Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Protótipo de um analisador sintático-semântico parcial de orações em língua portuguesa - simples
Quaiatto, Édison Josias
This project presents a prototype of a partial analysis of phrases in Portuguese. The
project implementation is in Prolog and the prototype was named SIMPLES to recognize the
phrases with one, and only one, verbal core - the simple phrases.
In order to recognize as valid the phrases, the parser considers not only the syntactic
sentences analyzed, as well as some semantic features. For syntactic validation, the main
theoretical basis used was the Grammar Syntagmatic (GS). Yet the theory applied in the
modeling of semantic aspects was basically a theory of thematic roles (TTR).
Overall, this project proposes a line of investigative research for the area of Natural
Language Processing (NLP): the identification of linguistic theories with the potential to
contribute in improving the computational modeling of natural languages.
In a specific way, the SIMPLES explores the computacional practical application of
theoretical concepts of thematic role, construction and syntagmatic structure, in order to
implement a parser with fragments of semantic intelligence in the recognition of natural