Balanços de momentos estatísticos de segunda ordem na camada limite atmosférica diurna e noturna em função do vento
Pozzobon, Alessandro Eugenio Denardin
The study presents an observational analysis of the terms in the budgets of three planetary
boundary-layer second-order statistical moments: turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), heat flux
and temperature variance. These have been chosen because they are commonly employed in
weather and climate numerical weather forecast schemes. The analysis is done using 172 days
and nights of observations carried out at a 30 m micrometeorological tower in southern Brazil,
at the campus of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Four levels of observations with threedimensional
sonic anemometers, deployed at heights of 3, 6, 14 and 30 m form the surface,
are used. The analysis is split between daytime (convective) and nighttime (stable) periods. In
both cases, the budget terms are considered in terms of the mean wind speed near the surface
and of the stability parameter from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The terms presented are
those of shear production, buoyant production/destruction and dissipation in the TKE budget,
thermal gradient production and buoyant production/destruction in the heat flux budget,
thermal gradient production and dissipation in the temperature variance budget as well as the
turbulent transport terms in the three budgets. Horizontal transport terms and those associated
with pressure perturbations have not been observed. At daytime, TKE budget is dominated by
shear and buoyant production, while dissipation is the dominant destruction mechanism. The
tke budget residual indicates that the transport by pressure perturbations is positive near the
surface. At night, shear production and dissipation dominate the budget, while buoyant
destruction is smaller, albeit physically relevant. The turbulent transport term switches sign
according with the turbulence regime. The diurnal heat flux budget, the dominant term may
be either the thermal gradient or buoyant production, depending on the wind speed or stability
parameter, while at night they have opposite signs and dominate the budget. Regardless of the
period, the temperature variance budget displays a near-equilibrium between thermal gradient
production and dissipation. The main aim of the dissertation is to identify the dominant terms
in the budgets and their dependence on the mean wind speed and stability.