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Implementação do CIBAC no SIE usando SOA
Souza, Cesar Augusto Guerra de
Nowadays, the subjects confidentiality and privacy, as well as heterogeneity and
change, are inevitable concerns in the Technology and Information area, specially in
the medical area. The first relate to the mechanisms of access control whereas the
second relate to the low coupling architectures, like the service-oriented architectures.
To take care of confidentiality and privacy requirements of information management of the UFSM Hospital, a Contextual Information-Based Access Control
model - CIBAC - was considered. The CIBAC was used to control the access to the
hospital information management system, called System of Information for Education - SIE.
This work describes the implementation of model CIBAC on SIE using à
Service-Oriented Architecture - SOA - and the Web Services technology, in order to
facilitate to its use in heterogeneous and changeable environments. The SIE/CIBAC
implementation was named SIE-Health.