dc.contributorLübeck, André
dc.creatorRosa, Felipe Tarragô da
dc.description.abstractAmong the attributions of civil engineers, there are expertise in the judicial sphere, as a possible area of specialization, however this is a theme still little explored, especially in the academic environment. In this perspective, in order to better support the knowledge of professionals about procedures of engineering services with judicial views, this work proposes to provide relevant information to the registration of judicial experts and the elaboration of technical reports. Therefore, there was a detailed description of the steps and basic documents to complete the registration in the bank of justice experts in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, there is a detailing of the procedures and accounting, in average days, of a judicial process of evaluative inspection activities. Finally, the work proposes to analyze the necessary steps for the elaboration of an objective and subjectivity-free judicial expert report. In this context, the proposal is explored through theoretical analyzes complemented with examples of assertive fragments regarding the judicial report, as well as fictitious examples of demonstration, following the concepts, definitions and requirements recommended by NBR 13752 (1996), and by the National Property Inspection Standard (2012). In this way, the work proposes to complement the academic training of civil engineers in the field of engineering in judicial expertise.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectengineering expert reports
dc.subjecttechnical report
dc.subjectjudicial expertise
dc.subjectlaudos periciais de engenharia
dc.subjectparecer técnico
dc.subjectperícias judiciais
dc.titleElaboração de laudo de engenharia em perícia judicial: perspectivas essenciais para elaboração de um parecer técnico
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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