Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoramento do acúmulo térmico na fenologia de culturas através do método de graus-dia
Avelar, Francisco Tiago Machado de
The environment temperature has direct influence in plant development, thus it is a
better measure to biological time instead of days in civil calendar. For this reason, there is
a relationship between development rate and the incidence of termic energy in crops. The
degree-days method is based on the concept that, considering the fulfillment of each stage
of development, plants require an accumulated heat sum, with values into a limit of base
temperature, for each crop, under of that the metabolic process are established or paralyzed.
As a result, the heat sum represents a measurement parameter by the environment
temperature for analysis of crop development. For this way, it is possible to numerically
evaluate the stages of crop growth from its thresholds, which determine changes and stage
duration, thus covering the whole cycle of plant development. The hybrid culture generation
is a field of constant research. In agronomy, a greater genetic diversity leads for the
creation of more productive seeds and with more resistance to adverse conditions. The
synchronization of flowering parents is essential for the process of hybrid seeds. Thus,
the monitoring of crop development by the degree-day method is the approach to define
when it should be sown each parent, in field level, for the period of flowering parent plants
(male and female) occurs at the same time. This work intends to propose a web service
responsible for analysis, handling and the forecast of degree-day values referring crops integrated
to a data base with stored records of termic values transmitted from meteorologic
stations deployed near to the site of plantation.