Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Os desafios da gestão escolar democrática
Correa, Elma Cristina Takahashi
This paper aims understand the meaning that different segments of rural school of elementary education of the Santana do Livramento/RS city think on democratic management. The research is exploratory (YIN, 2015) proposed as a methodological procedure for qualitative approach and considering the proposal of YIN (2015). As framework this study is based in the ideas of authors like: Cury (2002), Paro (2006), Libaneo (2007). In order to get data were made interviews with eleven individuals from five differents segments that composes the teaching network of Santana do Livramento city. As results we observed the segments of researched school understand democratic management as a way to organize the school according to the points of views of all, because is a democracy. For them the democratic management everyone participate, work together sharing power and responsabilities in order to offer a good education. In conclusion we can say the public school which has a more democratic management promote the participation of school commnunity and overcome challenges showing that the collective work is the way to reach the aims of the school, so offering a quality teaching.