Ateliê biográfico de (auto)formação: cruzando fios e entrelaçando histórias-trajetórias docentes de professores em classes multisseriadas no estado de Santa Catarina
Ribas, Juliana da Rosa
This thesis emerges from my life story and from my participation, since 2008, in the
discussions of Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre Formação Inicial, Continuada e
Alfabetização – GEPFICA. The objective of this work is to verify how the trajectories of life
and formation of teachers who work in multigrade classes in the State of Santa Catarina are
constituted. The research is qualitative and is anchored in the theoretical-methodological
principles of autobiographical research, from the devices of the Biographical Project
Workshop and the creation of the Biographical Atelier of (self)training for teachers of
multigrade classes, and in the use of narrative interview, according to studies by Delory-
Momberger (2006), Souza (2006a, 2006b, 2008, 2014), Bertaux (2010) and Jovchelovith and
Bauer (2002). The theoretical framework is based on Abrahão (2006, 2008), Antunes (2001,
2007), Hage (2010a, 2010b, 2011), Ribas (2016), Ribas and Antunes (2015, 2017), Souza
(2006a, 2006b, 2008, 2012a, 2012b, 2014), Santos (2007, 2011), Cardoso and Jacomeli
(2010) and Damasceno and Beserra (2004). I understand that the development of this work
was very important, as it made it possible to understand how the teachers who collaborated to
this research have constituted their life and working trajectories amid multigrade classes: their
trajectories are built through experiential learning since their training is grounded in their
practices, in a know-how through and in experiences. Having had the opportunity to share
their experiences with each other through the narratives, they reborn a positive look at the
work they develop and started to recognize themselves as protagonists of their stories in
multigrade classes in the city of Lages/SC. In these places, they are like sunflower seeds, they
are cycles that (self)(trans)form, and they spread as their experiences are being shared
throughout their life trajectories. By sharing their trajectories of life, education and profession,
they made it possible to transform and give a new meaning to their teaching and life practices.
Therefore, I understand the importance of working on the continuing education of teachers in
multigrade classes from the Biographical Atelier of (self)training, adopted as a starting point,
being a valuable tool that enabled the research collaborators, through their trajectories of life,
training and profession, recognizing themselves as protagonists, empowering themselves, and
having their seeds of experience spread out, serving as an inspiration to other teachers as a
way of valuing, recognizing, belonging, so that together we can fill the gaps still found in the
training of teachers of the multigrade teaching.