Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Bloco te permite mulher: identidades femininas no samba em Santa Maria
Echevarria, Emanuele Heinrich
This present work aims to develop a cultural project that gives visibility to the Bloco Te Permite Mulher -“Group Allow Yourself, Woman”- (TPM), *group of samba and percus-sion, composed exclusively by women and located in Santa Maria/RS. The developed pro-ject consists of a meeting between TPM and other female samba and percussion groups, with the purpose to create an exchange and support web among independent groups orga-nized and composed by women. From that, it sought to reflect on culture, Culture Studies and the relation with feminist movements and identity of resistance; as the history of samba and the feminine participation inside this cultural movement. The first chapter presents the conceptualizations about culture, Cultural Studies, Cultural Studies linked with feminist thoughts and concepts about cultural identity and identity of resistance. The second chapter discusses the history and origin of samba in Brazil and how women introduce themselves and participated in the movement since its beginnings, besides showing the group Bloco Te Permite Mulher and their participation on Santa Maria’s samba scene. The third and fourth chapters are designated to the methodological construction and practice of the cultural event proposed: “Resistência das mulheres no samba: uma roda de conversa com blocos femininos” – Resistance of women in samba: a conversation wheel with the female groups -, which will be the communicational product of this experimental project.