Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
A fotografia como forma de reconhecimento do corpo e estímulo à autoestima feminina
Silva, Natasha Kuffner da
The objective of this study is to understand how photography can be used as a tool for self-knowledge and stimulation of female self-esteem. For this, it was studied how the relationship between women with their own image is built, considering that in the middle of so much aesthetic pressure suffered, it can be difficult to recognize and love yourself the way you are. So, it is important that there are ways to work on the self-look, so they can know themselves and seek to accept who they are. This is an experimental study, so to observe if/how photography could be used as a tool that helps in self-knowledge and self-esteem, six womens were chosen to do a photoshoot. In addition, in-depth interviews were carried out, which relied on projective techniques with a mirror and old photographs, to better understand the trajectory of each one of them and then, comparatively analyze if there was any change in the way they see themselves before and after the experience. As a result, it was noticed through the reports of the participating women, who demonstrate that they had lived a positive experience, since they identified changes after the photo shoot.