Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Evolução do comércio internacional de Cabo Verde: uma análise das vantagens comparativas de 2009 a 2018
Lima, Jaqueline Lopes
The objective of this work is to analyze the international trade situation in Cape Verde,
taking into account its main products, with its main partners in the years 2009 to 2018.
To reach the objective, an analysis of comparative advantage in the periods under
analysis. For this it was necessary to perform calculations of several indicators to
assess the characterization of Cape Verde's trade. The indicators used were revealed
comparative advantages and comparative advantages revealed symmetrical, indices
of concentration of trade, indicator of contribution to the trade balance and, finally, the
intra-sector trade index. The results show that Cape Verde has comparative
advantages revealed in the fish, crustaceans and molluscs sector, preparation and
conservation of fish, footwear and clothing. The country still had strong dependence
on the general sectors of food and mineral products. Cape Verde was comparatively
disadvantaged in most of the sectors surveyed. Regarding the concentration of
exports, it was found that Cape Verde showed concentrated exports in few products,
in relation to the concentration by destination, in relation to imports. The results indicate
that imports from Cape Verde are concentrated in many destinations. Finally, intraindustry trade in Cape Verde indicated a strong concentration in the fish preparation
and conservation sector, clothing sector and footwear sector. Inter-industry trade is
found in most of the products analyzed in Cape Verde.