Análise e projeto de um boost PFC + ZAHB para luminárias led CA-CC
Pedroso, Douglas Araujo
This master’s thesis presents the analysis and design of a two-stage 100W and
universal input ac-dc LED driver. The driver’s front-end topology is composed by a
PFC (Power Factor Corrector) boost converter whereas the back-end deploys and Zeta
Asymmetrical Half-Bridge converter (ZAHB). The document complies a short overview on
the LED general concepts and relevant metrics and standards followed by a deep literature
review which includes several different topologies classified by their number of stages and
disposition. A trade-off analysis considering a myriad of relevant characteristics for a
LED driver is performed among all the candidate topologies and, as the outcome, the
PFC boost + ZAHB two-stage combination is selected. A detailed design process and
analysis on both topologies is presented and the point of operation selection is done based
on balancing volume and efficiency of each stage. Finally, outcome results from the design
process are presented in order to validate it and show the driver’s compliance with the
most relevant standards on energy and light quality.