Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Desenvolvimento de planilha eletrônica para dimensionamento de blocos rígidos de fundação sobre estacas
Dutra, Bruno Teloken
This undergraduate thesis presentes the elaboration of a digital spreadsheet on Excel for sizing rigid foundation blocks in reinforced concrete. First we introduce the subject about foundations in general, exposing it’s importance also for edifications. Then we delve deeper talking about pile caps and the strut-and-tie model and the dimensioning steps. The dimensioning is approached using the strut-and-tie method and adresses 4 blocks configurations: two-piles (in line), three-piles (triangular), fourpiles
(quadrangular) and five-piles (rectangular). This paper also executes a numeric example for each configuration. Then we present the digital spreadsheet, explaining how it works and how it should be used. Lastly, the same numeric examples previously manually calculated are implemented using the developed tool. Comparing both types of exemples we can conclude that the spreadsheet presents the same results, attending to the paper proposal.