dc.contributorBolzan, Doris Pires Vargas
dc.contributorFerreira, Valeria Silva
dc.contributorLima, Graziela Escandiel de
dc.contributorPowaczuk, Ana Carla Hollweg
dc.creatorDal Ongaro, Daniela
dc.description.abstractThe construction of this work was based on the theme of teaching learning, having as tensioning movement the context of education of/with babies and young children, especially in a historical setting marked by the experience of a pandemic. The study developed is part of the research line (LP1) - teaching, knowledge and professional development - of the graduate program in education (PPGE) in the course of Master's in Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). The research presents as thematic teaching learning in early childhood education, considering the education of/with infants and young children facing the pandemic emergency context. The pedagogue, when inserted in a collective living space of babies and young children, have the challenge of learning who they are and how they learn these language beings and in the face of a pandemic, this challenge becomes even greater. In this sense, this study aims to understand the impact of the training processes that constitute teaching in the education of/with infants and young children from emergency remote education. And, as specific objectives, we seek to identify the concepts about teacher learning with infants and toddlers, recognize the challenges of teaching practice, premised on the specifics of babies and young children; identify emerging contexts in infant and toddler education and, recognizing the challenges and learning that remote education, in the context of a global pandemic, has brought to teachers who work with this audience of children. To support our investigation, the proposed methodology is based on qualitative narrative research with a sociocultural approach, based on studies of Bolzan (2002, 2019), Gatti (2006), Bauer e Gaskell (2002), Clandinin and Connelly (2015), Bakhtin (2010), among others. The choice for this methodology emerges from the understanding that we live in a social, historical and cultural environment that directly influences the subjects' ways of being, thinking, acting and speaking. In this direction, the research was carried out in two stages of investigation. In the first, we developed an exploratory study with teachers from the Municipal Children's Education Network of the Municipality of Santa Maria. From this study, we seek to know their experiences, their challenges and learning in teaching/with babies and young children. The second stage included the realization of the Rounds of Conversations, based on axes - guide topics, which emerged from the interpretation of the findings of the exploratory study. However, from the teachers' narratives, we understand how teaching learning was constituted during emergency remote education. The pedagogue learned teaching based on their daily experiences, through the search for continuing education and in the day-to-day development of their pedagogical work. Linked to this, the training processes were the way the teachers found to face the challenges of this teaching, which was permeated by emerging contexts. Thus, the teaching learning of the pedagogue who works in the contexts of education of infants and young children took place.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectEducação infantil
dc.subjectAprendizagem da docência
dc.subjectEducação remota emergencial
dc.subjectProcessos formativos
dc.subjectChild education
dc.subjectTeaching learning
dc.subjectEmergency remote education
dc.subjectFormative processes
dc.titleAprendizagem da docência: a constituição do ser professor de/com bebês e crianças pequenas frente a educação remota emergencial

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