Riscos de adoecimento em trabalhadores de serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência
Cesar, Mariana Pellegrini
The general objective of this study was to analyze the risks of work-related illness in workers
working in Mobile Emergency Care Services. This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative
approach, carried out in the Mobile Emergency Care Service of four municipalities in the state
of Rio Grande do Sul. The research population consisted of workers who are part of the service
(nurses, nursing technicians, doctors and conductors). Data collection was performed by
applying a questionnaire of sociodemographic and labor data and the Inventory on Work and
Risk of Illness, from which three subscales were used, which investigate work and the risks of
illness caused by it in terms of representation of the work context, costs (physical, cognitive
and affective) and damages. The analysis of categorical variables occurred through absolute
and relative frequency; the quantitative ones, by the mean, median and standard deviation. In
the statistical analysis, the chi-square test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used, and
in all analyzes the significance level was set at 5%. 104 workers participated in the study. The
workers were mostly male (68.3%), with a companion (77.9%) and have children (67.3%). The
average age of participants is 39.2 years (SD: 8.675). Most of them have graduate degrees and
work at another job. The occupational hazards most perceived by workers were stress,
commotion with the victim's family member, contamination with biological materials and
aggression/violence. The work context obtained a critical evaluation (μ= 2.48 and SD=0.59),
and, with regard to the scale factors, the work organization also received a critical evaluation
and the work conditions and relationships socio-professionals obtained a satisfactory
evaluation. The human cost at work had a critical result (μ= 3.41 and SD=0.61), and the physical
and cognitive cost factors obtained a severe evaluation, producing suffering at work due to the
physical and cognitive demands it demands. . Already, the affective cost, got a critical
evaluation. Regarding the health damage present in workers, the general assessment was
bearable (Percentile= 1.41), satisfactory. Physical damage had a critical result, while
psychological and social damage had a satisfactory assessment. It is concluded that workers in
this service are exposed to various risks of illness, as well as some diseases already installed
linked to the development of their activities at work. The data obtained in this study demonstrate
that these professionals are exposed to risks of illness related to the work context, the demands
and effects of work on health, factors that can have consequences for the health of workers. The
correlation analysis shows a significant relationship between the risks of illness. In addition,
the present study contributes to the discussion about the risks of illness of workers in the Mobile
Emergency Care Service, pointing out the need for immediate intervention in some aspects, as
well as investigations and reflections from other perspectives, in new studies that address the
work and health of workers in this work context and its specificities.