A influência das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e do clima organizacional na formação profissional em fisioterapia
Vendrusculo, Alecsandra Pinheiro
With the significant increase in undergraduate physiotherapy courses, it was necessary to establish criteria to standardize curricula, which at the same time had to be flexible, meet the specific needs of the regions and meet the expectations of teachers and students. In this context, in 2002, the National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG) were elaborated as a guiding document for the elaboration of the political pedagogical projects of the courses that seek the alignment of the quality professional formation and advance to the generalist formation based on skills and competences. In addition to the implementation of NCG, higher education institutions have sought to understand what motivates people to improve their performance, as well as knowing the degree of satisfaction, needs, aspirations and expectations to improve their performance in professional and personal activities. One of the ways found is the assessment of the organizational environment, which makes an analysis of the organizational environment in order to maintain the positive aspects of the organization and promote the improvement of areas that require some need. Given this, the objective of this research was to analyze whether the implementation of NCGs, as well as the organizational environment influence the professional training in physiotherapy. This research has a quantitative and qualitative approach and is characterized as descriptive and exploratory. At first, it was analyzed through reading, the Pedagogical Course Project (PPC) of two educational institutions called blue and gold, to verify if it includes criteria of NCG such as working at different levels of health care, specific practical activities of physiotherapy from the beginning of the course, the possibility of developing health prevention, promotion and rehabilitation actions, acting seeking comprehensive care, as well as acting multiprofessionally and interdisciplinarily, among others. In the follow-up, a questionnaire was applied to the physiotherapist professors with open and closed questions about the professional profile, NCG and the organizational environment, and also for the students who would graduate in the semester of the questionnaire with closed questions regarding their opinion about the your academic background. The results were analyzed descriptively, with absolute and percentage values, by the construction of word clouds and also by the content analysis. After the analysis of the PPCs, regarding the implementation of the NCG, it was observed that in the blue institution the professors perceive a greater consolidation of the analyzed variables, for example promotion, prevention and rehabilitation actions, mutiprofessional and interdisciplinary work and practices at the three levels attention to health. As for the performance in an integral way, both go in the same direction, it is possible to seek this training through disciplines and practices performed during the undergraduate. This is confirmed when the answers of the students of the two educational institutions were verified, because when analyzed these questions, the students of the golden institution partially agree, while those of the blue institution totally agree. Students from both institutions agree that the course met their expectations, that teamwork and the relationship with teachers are fundamental for quality professional training. These findings confirm that these aspects of the organizational environment influence training, as the undergraduate environment will form motivated, safe and more proactive professionals if they perceive in their peers, professors and managers attitudes that arouse such characteristics. When the organizational environment was analyzed in the professors' perception, in the golden institution the relations between professors are free of fears or insecurities, colleagues can count on each other, the competition is smaller, which is not fully contemplated in the blue institution, which demonstrates that some aspects of the organizational environment in this institution need to be studied. Still, the professors participating in the research are proud of their institution, which is a favorable point for the development of the organizational environment of the institutions. It was found that teachers perceive interdisciplinarity as an integration of different knowledge and different disciplines, as a multiprofessional action in order to provide better care to the health user. When thinking about this practice, that is, the exercise of interdisciplinarity by students, it was found that it is still difficult, that the perception of professors is that although the student has more possibilities to exercise this interaction theory and practice, still can not exercise it there, because it lacks maturity, dedication, among others. It is concluded that changes in vocational training have been occurring, through adaptations in curriculum matrices, teacher training and the search for higher education institutions for the quality of their work environment, but it is still necessary to broaden the discussions, reflections and deepen the studies of the NCG and the organizational environment to generate an extraordinary professional training in physiotherapy.