Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Eficiência dos gráficos de controle na garantia da validade dos resultados de medição
Silva, Jaqueline Fernandes da
The ISO/IEC 17025 has been applied in laboratories of different areas that seek reliable and traceable
results. These laboratories are always looking for statistical techniques to ensuring the validity of their
results and often use the control charts to perform the monitoring of their measurement process. In this
study pipettes, micropipette, digital power meter (WT 1600) and power quality recorder (Fluke 1760)
of three laboratories at a Federal Institution of High Education were chosen to be analyzed. The
objective of this study is to identify the most appropriated control chart for monitoring trends between
the Shewhart, CUSUM and EWMA. Minitab Statistical Software 18 was used for the control charts
construction. This study showed the EWMA control chart as the best alternative to be used for
monitoring trends in micropipette. However, for the digital power meter WT 1600 and power quality
recorder Fluke 1760 It is suggested that other statistical techniques are tested because application of
control chart was not adequate for the type of data that the equipment produces. For the pipettes the
control limits were not established.