Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Enquadramento visual e fotojornalismo esportivo a partir das fotografias de futebol publicadas no instagram da reuters sports pictures e getty sport
2021-08-16Registro en:
FORTES, Maria Eduarda. Enquadramento visual e fotojornalismo esportivo a partir das fotografias de futebol publicadas no instagram da reuters sports pictures e getty sport. 2021. 93 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Jornalismo Bacharelado) Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen, RS, 2021.
Fortes, Maria Eduarda
The research analyzes the sports framing present in soccer photographs published at
Reuters Sports Pictures (RSP) and Getty Sport (GS) Instagram agencies. Aiming to
comprehend the interaction of technical and aesthetic characteristics of
photojournalism at soccer photographs framing. The study approaches theoretical
and methodological appraises related to the photojournalism language and mainly
endorse the major methodology levels of visual photography framing proposed by
Rodriguez and Dimitrova (2011). The research is varied with stages of categorical
qualitative image analyses. Regarding the collected results, outstanding the present
patterns of soccer photography and improve the consistent notion at the photography
composition of soccer culture.